
92 Bowery St., NY 10013

+1 800 123 456 789

We believe every person deserves
to live with dignity

A charitable organization changing the
lives of millions with your support

Since 2010

Bringing People Together to uplift the Community

Our Story

A faith and community based charitable organization that provides food assistance and advocates self-reliance by providing case management, emotional support, youth development and capacity building. Since inception in 2010, we have been actively contributing to the social and economic development of the communities in which we operate and we strive to be an organization that continually responds to the changing social realities through the development and application of knowledge and skills. 

Our Driving Force

Our vision is to live in a world where humanity is driven by compassion and love, where people help each other to become self-reliant. We envision a community that feels the pain of the vulnerable and have the passion to step up and help those in need. Over the past decades with the help and support of the community and our dedicated volunteers we have supported the deserving members of the community. Our dedicated volunteers and torchbearers strive hard to equip the people so we can break the cycle of dependence and build a strong platform for our leaders to rise up. We provide an opportunity to every member of the community who has the desire to support the community via our various operations. 

The Future: Empowering People via People

Founded in Victoria, British Columbia on May 27, 2004, as a registered charity (CRA # 85962 9073 RR0001), the Aspire For Hope’s dedicated team empowers individuals to overcome challenges and build a brighter future. Our core focus are today and in future is to ensure that no member of the community sleeps on an empty stomach, they have access to basic food and clothing essentials to live a dignified life, to make Canada a safe haven for refugees and lastly to empower the youth and individuals with the right mindset and skill set. 

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